Kitchen cabinets are a necessary part of any kitchen and are available in various styles, colors and finishes. However, one thing often overlooked when choosing cabinets is the height of the cabinets. Most cabinets only go up to a certain height, which is usually for a good reason. Here are a few reasons why cabinets don't go to the ceiling.

The Appearance Will Be Less Appealing

A kitchenette with cabinets that go to the ceiling can often look top-heavy and cluttered. This is because there is simply too much visual weight at the top of the room. If your kitchen is on the smaller side, then this can make the space feel even smaller and more claustrophobic.

Cabinets that stop at a comfortable height help to create a more balanced look in the kitchenette. If you want your kitchenette to have a light and airy feel, sticking with cabinets that stop at a certain point will help achieve this. The eye should be drawn horizontally across the space for an appealing design. Cabinets that go to the ceiling can interrupt this horizontal line, making the space feel smaller and more closed in.

It's More Difficult to Reach

Another reason cabinets don't go to the ceiling is that reaching items stored up high can be difficult. If you have tall cabinets, you will need a step stool or ladder to reach items stored near the top. This can be inconvenient, and it can also be dangerous if you are not careful.

The time you spend searching for things in your kitchenette can also be increased if your cabinets go all the way to the ceiling. When everything is stored in one place, finding what you are looking for can be challenging.

It May Not Be Necessary

In most kitchenettes, there is not need for cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling. There is often wasted space above the cabinets, which can be used better. You can use this space to store infrequently used items, or you can use it to create decorative displays.

Also, if you have high ceilings, having cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling can make the space feel even taller and more overwhelming. In these cases, it is better to stick with cabinets that are of a comfortable height.

They Are More Expensive

Finally, cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling are often more expensive than those that stop at a certain point. This is because they require more materials and labor to install. Also, due to the risk of injury, professionals will often charge more to install these types of cabinets. If you are on a tight budget, sticking with lower cabinets may be the best option.

As you can see, there are a few reasons why cabinets don't go to the ceiling. If you are planning a kitchenette renovation, consider these factors when choosing your cabinets. Choose a height that will create the look you want, and consider how easy the cabinets will be to use.